

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Tel: +82-2-753-5477
Fax: +82-2-753-7315
Email: clients@nampat.co.kr
Address: 3rd Floor, 95 Seosomun-ro,Jung-gu, Seoul 04516,South Korea
Website: www.nampat.co.kr
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patent/trademark/design/copyright / litigation
Contact Person: hana-zhang
Personal Email: hhzhang@nampat.co.kr
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Korean

Firm Profile

NAM & NAM dates back to the very beginnings of Korean IP. Founded in 1952, we have the longest history in the Korean IP field and are conveniently located in the heart of Seoul, neighboring City Hall, governmental buildings, foreign embassies, and historic royal palaces. NAM & NAM IP law firm has a family of over 180 professionals, including patent and trademark attorneys, attorneys-at-law, patent specialists, technology consultants, and administrative staff. One of the firm’s core strengths is in its representation of overseas multinational corporate clients in Korea, with staff being selected and trained with the specific needs of overseas clients in mind. We employ global experts from the US, the UK, Germany, Japan, and China, which makes the firm truly international. NAM & NAM always strives for excellence with the firm’s motto: “PAVE the way for client success.”

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