
Schmitt & Orlov Intellectual property LLC

Country: Mongolia
City: Ulaanbaatar
Tel: +976-99406544
Email: mongolia@orlovlaw.com
Address: d.obrien@schmitt-orlov.asia
Website: schmitt-orlov.mn/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Duka O'Brien
Personal Email: d.obrien@schmitt-orlov.asia
Language: Chinese,English,Mongolian,Russian

Firm Profile

HE FIRM Schmitt & Orlov is a full service intellectual property firm. We specialize in advising our clients on all aspects of intellectual property in the region from registration to enforcement as well as commercialization. We work closely with our clients to create IPR strategies to meet their specific needs. Our practice focuses on clearly understanding our clients’ businesses needs and issues and providing a responsive and effective response within clear established budgets. Our firm helps protect and support your business growth by ensuring your ideas and intellectual property is registered, enforced and commercialized. With attorneys and specialists throughout the Asian zone, we offer a strategic, proactive service with deep local understanding and experienced professionals in both law and business aspects. THE TEAM Our team includes attorneys, IP consultants, trademark and patent agents from 6 different countries and speaking 8 different languages. Our attorneys are specialized in IPR throughout the region and provide an international level of service with deep rooted local experience. WHERE WE WORK We work throughout Greater China, South East Asia, Russia and CIS countries, ready to assist you with your in-country or cross-border issues throughout the zone

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