

Country: Romania
Tel: (+40)236/407032
Fax: (+40)236/407032
Email: office@loyalpartners.ro
Address: 23 Portului Street Floor 3, Room 307 800025, Galati ROMANIA
Website: www.loyalpartners.ro
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Contact Person: Dan Puscasu
Personal Email: office@loyalpartners.ro
Language: English,Romanian,French

Firm Profile

LOYAL PARTNERS IP AGENCY is a full service intellectual property agency from Romania specialized in obtaining, maintaining, evaluating and enforcing intangible assets including patents, trademarks, copyrights, utility models, designs, designation of origin and geographical indications. Services include licensing, novelty searches, name availability searches, watches and infringement advice. We have the professional skills to represent and assist our clients in all proceedings before The Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, before all Romanian Courts as well as before administrative authorities. We can provide protection against unfair competition or counterfeit by representing your interests at the custom-house. We can represent our clients in all proceedings regarding international trademark protection through Madrid System (WIPO) and community trademark protection (OHIM). As well, our specialists are able to represent you in all European patent proceedings before EPO and international patent protection by PCT way or EURO PCT way.

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