
Ananda Intellectual Property

Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Tel: +6626841212
Fax: +6626845990
Email: aip@ananda-ip.com
Address: +66895096656
Website: www.ananda-ip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Others
Key Areas: Trademarks & Patents
Contact Person: Mr. Fougere Franck
Personal Email: fougere@ananda-ip.com
Language: Chinese,English,Thai,French,German

Firm Profile

Dynamic and experienced, Ananda Intellectual Property (AIP) offers quality intellectual property services. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, the crossroads of information, technology, and commerce in Southeast Asia, Ananda Intellectual Property has global reach, with European and Asian expertise. Strategic and forward-looking, Ananda Intellectual Property offers a wide range of IP services, including: • Filing and registration of trademarks, designs, copyright and patents • Intellectual property management, IP valuation services and IP strategy • Investigation, anti-counterfeiting enforcement and brand policing • Litigation related services for intellectual property, including expert advice • Advisory and transactional work including agreements for technology transfer, non-disclosure, licensing, franchise and distribution With partners in over 100 countries, Ananda Intellectual Property executes quality results with collaborators worldwide. Our expertise and knowledge in European, American, Chinese, and South-East Asian IP laws serve your IP goals.

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  • ****

    We filed several trademark applications with Ananda IP- their services and recommendation were most helpful.

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