
Converge & Honesty INT'L CO., LTD.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Tel: (00)86-15957480864
Fax: 86-574-27828071
Email: converge@converge-honesty.com
Address: eilcy@hotmail.com
Website: www.trademarkpatentregister.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Key Areas: trademark
Contact Person: Eilcy Wang
Personal Email: eilcy@hotmail.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

C & H carries on the practice of Advocates, Solicitors, Litigation and Intellectual Property, which includes Trademark, Patents, Industrial Designs and Copyrights. We have branch firms and partners in more than 61 countries and regions over the world. Our Firm has registered attorneys and agents for trademarks and patents worldwide in Asia, Europe, North and South of America, Africa and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand).

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