

Country: Brazil
City: Curitiba
Tel: 554133350080
Fax: 554133350095
Email: mail@abreumerkl.com
Address: R Joaquim da S. Sampaio, 117, Curitiba, Parana, BRAZIL, 80710-630
Website: www.abreumerkl.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Key Areas: Patents, Trademarks, Licensing
Language: English,Spanish,German,Italian,Portuguese

Firm Profile

ABREU, MERKL E ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS is a law office specialized in intellectual property law, registered on the OAB (Brazilian BAR) under no. 1196/PR and on the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI/BR under no. 1629 as an Industrial Property Agent – API. Thoughtfoul that business activities, due to constant technological innovations and economical changes, need each day more solutions based on accuracy, efficiency and reliance, the ABREU, MERKL E ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS office performs its activities aiming to reach excellence in the quality of services. Thus, the ABREU, MERKL E ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS office has the conviction that the quality services depends on a strong dedication to each client, according to their individual needs. With a multidisciplinary staff and an international practice, the office assures personalized and distinguished services on advisory, prevention and litigation areas of intellectual property.

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