
EPO Patent Registration and Consulting Services GmbH

Country: Germany
City: Munich
Tel: +49 89 215562890
Fax: +49 89 215562899
Email: za@epo-prs.de
Address: Dietlindenstrasse 15, 80802 Munchen, Germany
Website: epo-patent-registration.de
Practice Area: Patent
Key Areas: Patent registration at EPO
Contact Person: Z. Antevski
Personal Email: za@epo-prs.de
Language: English,German

Firm Profile

EPO Patent Registration services and consulting GmbH (EPO PATENT REGISTRATION) is a firm of European patent attorneys and technical experts providing intellectual property services to clients in the European Community and worldwide. Our main business activity is registration of patents with European Patent Office (EPO) thereby providing protection of patent rights in Europe. Patent Law provides enormous possibilities for creative work and the realization of many inventions which are essential or desirable in the further development of humanity. Through our competent and ethical services we do our best to provide at least modest contribution to such developments while maintaining the satisfaction of our clients. Our clients range in size from individual investors, SMEs, universities to large multinationals. Headquarters in Munich Our firm is headquartered in Munich, Germany, the European IP Law Capital. The proximity of headquarters of the European Patent Office (EPO) enables direct personal contact with EPO in all patent registration matters. This strategic advantage of our firm is also supported by the existing broad international contact network. Our business contact network is enhanced through the business contacts network of our shareholders and integrated law firm LAWYERS ANTEVSKI in our company structure. In addition to our main office we also have representative offices in Vienna, Austria, Skopje, MK and Liechtenstein. A tradition of expertise in complex business transactions The resources available, the accumulated knowledge and international experience enable EPO PATENT REGISTRATION to deal with substantial matters, on a level often associated with much larger firms. In particular, it has been given big attention to the expertise in work with an international element with overseas clients. This is a key aspect of the firm’s practice. Through our network of long-established connections and contractual network with law firms around Europe, we are able to obtain professional advice and offer services to our clients in all areas of IP Law in many national jurisdictions across Europe. An emphasis on personal service Clients require more than professional know-how, they value a continuing relationship with a partner in whose ability they have confidence. We appreciate the commercial realities of our client’s business and we suggest creative and intelligent way's to protect and realize the clients interest. II. AREAS OF ACTIVITY / SERVICES 1) Preparation of European Patent applications, 2) Registration of international patent applications at EPO, 3) Transfer of EPO patent applications, 4) Licensing of EPO patent applications, 5) Representation of clients interests during the prosecution procedure at EPO (from filling of the patent application until patent registration at EPO), 6) General international business consulting, 7) Business consulting regarding commercialization of patents, 8) Service inter-mediation and 9) Investigation and collection of business information, Main advantages: High quality services, combined technical education knowledge of our shareholders with the specific knowledge of our shareholders European patent lawyers and with knowledge of our patent counsels. Direct presence at EPO Headquarters in Munich, Very favorable pricing policy.

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