
Braintrust Consulting Inc

Country: Cameroon
City: Yaoundé
Tel: 237 99820491
Fax: 237 22 21 42 34
Email: braintrust.ip@gmail.com
Address: Rue Albert ATEBA EBE, 1. 021 NLONGKAK
Website: www.braintrust-consulting.net
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: trademark, patent, industrial design
Contact Person: Nguele Mballa Fabrice
Personal Email: fabricenguele@yahoo.fr zomissi@yahoo.fr
Language: English,French,Spanish,German,Italian

Firm Profile

Patent,Trademark an d Industrial design attorney, our firm is an OAPI agent approved by the UNIDO, the NUDP, The world Bank, the BAD and the European Union. we are also competent in business litigation and legal engineering

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