

Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Tel: +74956699764
Fax: +74956699764
Email: info@unctt.com
Address: +4997351757
Website: unctt.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: patent&trademark applications pending and litigation
Contact Person: Asya Oganyan
Personal Email: unctt@mail.ru
Language: English,Russian

Firm Profile

UNCTT has a fully integrated intellectual property practice. It has united patent and trademark attorneys, scientists and other professionals focused on the protection, licensing and enforcement of intellectual property in Russia and abroad. We provide to our clients both domestic and international assistance with their intellectual property issues. We provide comprehensive, practical advice to a wide range of emerging and technology-based business and industries. Our clients include corporations, universities, academies, early-stage companies, and individual inventors. Our services are directed to a real assistance to business lawyers and litigators.

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