
Al-Joufi Law Firm

Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh
Tel: +96614641304
Fax: +96614642104
Email: info@aljoufilaw.com
Address: First Floor, The Plaza Complex, Olaya Street, Olaya, P.O Box 84421 Riyadh 11671, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Website: www.aljoufilaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Corporate & Commercial, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Energy, Power & Infrastructure, Real Estate & Mortgage, IT & IP
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

Al-Joufi is a leading Saudi Law firm based in Riyadh staffed by Saudi lawyers and legal advisors offering a broad range of Saudi Law advice to both private and public companies and government authorities. Al-Joufi is a dynamic and market-driven firm offering a full range of services in corporate, commercial, foreign investment, real estate, dispute resolution, IT, business structuring, and capital markets businesses. Its diverse range of clients include blue-chip Saudi, multi-national business and local authorities whose benefited from our proactive pragmatic advice which include Companies Law, Capital Markets Law, Foreign Investment Law, Litigation Law and other Law related to business.

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