

Country: Spain
City: Sabadell Barcelona
Tel: +34937271422
Fax: +347254837
Email: info@vilchesyasociados.com
Address: Rambla, 192 , 1o . 08201 Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain
Website: www.vilchesyasociados.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: community trademarks; european patents, PCT, patent; trademarks,
Contact Person: Sergio Albanesi
Personal Email: salbanesi@vilchesyasociados.com
Language: English,Spanish,Italian

Firm Profile

Since 2001 we have specialised in the Protection and Strategic Planning of fundamental assets to maintain the competitiveness of companies: Inventions: Patents and Utility Models Corporate Image: Trademarks and Domains Industrial Design Technological Information on Patents and Industrial Designs Our mission is to manage the intangible assets portfolio (trademarks, patents, designs) of our clients and offer entrepreneurs and organisations the assessment they need to protect the elements that give their businesses competitive edge, whether these are the logos with which they are known in the marketplace, their innovative ideas or technological achievements. Due to being a consulting firm aimed at offering advice on rights that often know no boundaries, VILCHES Y ASOCIADOS offers its clients not only the competences of a highly motivated team, but also the experience of partners with proven professionalism worldwide. Our objective is to offer our clients an increasingly better and personalised service and cutting edge technological tools, both for accessing sources of information and for following up and monitoring our proceedings.

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