
Escobar & Escobar

Country: Bolivia
City: La Paz
Tel: +591-2-2815312
Fax: +591-2-2815312
Email: joaquin@escobar-escobar.com; info@escobar-escobar.com
Address: Calle 16 # 1316, Santiago Segundo
Website: www.escobar-escobar.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Joaquin Fernando Escobar Cabezas
Personal Email: joaquin@escobar-escobar.com
Language: English,Spanish,Italian

Firm Profile

We are an Office that offers services of intellectual property and Industrial in Bolivia and offer legal advice in general. Bolivia, from the year 2009, year in which was passed the new "Constitution Policy of the State Plurinational" has had different changes in intellectual property, the same which have generated a stable legal security with regard to intellectual and industrial property. Our Office has the mission to meet the needs of our clients with the shortest waiting time, and our vision is to meet the expectations of all our customers. To do this, we have done different analysis budget, contacts, accessibility, data and communication system thereof which have been made available for the client, with an extremely attractive rate and various possibilities for negotiations on the requested paperwork fees.

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