
ADRES PATENT Trademark Intellectual Property Rights Ltd.

Country: Turkey
City: İstanbul
Tel: 902123478989
Fax: 902123564181
Email: ali.cavusoglu@adrespatent.com
Address: info@adrespatent.com
Website: www.adrespatent.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: patent,trademark,turkey patent attorney
Contact Person: ali cavusoglu
Personal Email: ali.cavusoglu@adrespatent.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

Adres Patent was founded in association with the law firm of Ali Yüksel & Hilmi Özalp on 2000 to render intellectual property services in İstanbul. Following Ankara office was put into service to establish immediate correlation between Turkish Patent Institute; we today are having 5 offices in different cities of the country for more than 25000 clients from all around the world. As a member of INTA and EPI, our highly professional team is working international on trademarks, patents, industrial designs besides legal and all other services regarding intellectual properties. Adres Patet has Quality Management System Certification ISO-9001 and is the first and only intellectual property office in Turkey deemed worthy of the “Consumer Quality Award”.

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