
Vipatco Intellectual Property Company Limited

Country: Vietnam
City: Hanoi
Tel: 84-4-85863883 / +84-4-22141998
Fax: 84-4-32252883
Email: vietstar@vipatco.vn
Address: No.15, Lane 16, Ta Thanh Oai Road, Thanh Tri District
Website: www.vipatco.vn
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Patent, Trademark
Contact Person: Ngo Dai Hong
Personal Email: vipatco@gmail.com
Language: English,Vietnamese

Firm Profile

Patent,Trademark Agent in Vietnam Our firm has been recognized as one of the leading law firms specializing in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in Vietnam. With professional staffs and collaborators, VIPATCO has been providing efficiently Intellectual property services relating to Inventions/Utility solutions, Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Layout-designs of integrated circuits, Geographical indications, Trade name, Trade secret, New plant varieties, Copyright and related rights, protection against unfair competition, licensing and assignment agreement of IP rights not only in Vietnam but also in other countries in the world.

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