

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Tel: +44 2030773499
Fax: +44 2075839575
Email: mail@cleveland-ip.com
Address: mail@cleveland-ip.com
Website: www.cleveland-ip.cn
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Contact Person: Peter Arrowsmith
Personal Email: p.arrowsmith@cleveland-ip.com
Language: English,French

Firm Profile

Cleveland is a leading firm of patent and trade mark attorneys in the UK, providing highly respected and trusted advice on intellectual property. We file UK and European patent applications, trade mark applications and design applications. We are also experts in handling disputes including patent and trade mark oppositions. We have a diverse range of global clients, including clients in China, Japan, USA, India and Brazil. Peter Arrowsmith is the partner that focuses on issues relating to China. Peter has an impressive reputation in the UK and travels to China frequently to meet with clients.

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