
Maulana and Partners

Country: Indonesia
City: DKI Jakarta
Tel: +62-21 5211931
Fax: +62-21 5211930
Email: maulanalawfirm@gmail.com
Address: Mayapada Tower 5th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 28, Jakarta Selatan 12920, INDONESIA
Website: maulanalawfirm.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Contact Person: Ms. Gerda
Personal Email: maulanalawfirm@gmail.com
Language: English,Japanese

Firm Profile

MAULANA AND PARTNERS Law Firm (MAP) is an Indonesian law firm dedicated to provide legal services to foreign and Indonesian clients. At MAP, we pride ourselves on combining the highest global standards with local expertise and we are one of the country's market leader in intellectual property area as well as in enforcement and litigation. In addition, our team is also experienced in corporate and commercial practices. Our commitment is to deliver the highest standards of service across all our practice areas. To fulfill our client's needs and to provide our best service to our valuable clients, we select and appoint lawyers and engineers based on their expertise, in order to successfully engage and complete every task.

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