
Beijing TALENT IP Office

Country: China
Tel: 010-68530588
Fax: 010-68536813
Email: talentip@163.com;mail@tiandaip.com
Address: 3#1-2, No. A57, Xidiaoyutai, Haidian District, Beijing 100142, CHINA
Website: www.talentip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese

Firm Profile

TALENT IP, established by Mr. Jiancheng Lin, the former Deputy Commissioner of National Defense Patent Office, several senior patent attorneys who have been worked as partners in large IP firms in Beijing and some former examiners who have been worked as substantive examiners in the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) for many years, may provide one-stop service for clients all over the world. We are mainly focusing in the mechanical and electrical fields, and 90% of the clients belong to the above two fields. From the startup of the firm, TALENT IP has provide professional services for the following main domestic clients: - most of the eleven large military industry groups in China, such as, CASC, CASIC, AVIC, CSSC, CSIC, CNIGC, CSIGC, CETC and etc.; - many institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); - some famous university, including Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Tongji University, Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), Fudan University, Xiamen University, Hunan University and etc.; and - some listed companies. We also provide service for foreign clients, for example, from Europe, America, Japan, Korea and etc.

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