
ALIPO Asia Liuh Intellectual Property Office

Country: China
City: TW
Tel: +886-4-23297766
Fax: +886-4-23297755
Email: oversea@asialiuh.com
Address: 3F, No.324, Sec. 1, Wen-Shin Rd., Taichung, Taiwan 40866
Website: www.asialiuh.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

ALIPO, located in the middle section of Taiwan, R.O.C – Taichung City, is a professional IP law firm providing comprehensive services relevant to the intellectual property matters to all clients ranging from individuals, small and medium sized businesses, multi-national corporations as well as foreign associates. As a boutique operation, we, the ALIPO staffs constantly stick to high quality performance over the cases. With the experience accumulated over years, we endeavor to find the best solutions for our clients and to provide high quality services in a customized and cost-effective manner as our supreme goal.

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