
Wayne Intellectual Property LLC

Country: China
Tel: (86)0755-29922403
Fax: (86)0755-29980129
Email: patent@wayneusa.cn
Address: Room 332, Building A, Huashenghui, Zhihui innovative center, Road 2 qianjin, Bao'an district, Shenzhen city, China, 518126
Website: www.wayneusa.cn/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

Wayne Intellectual Property Ltd is a professional patent law service company, cooperating with registered patent lawyers and agents throughout the world including the United States and Europe. Wayne Intellectual Property Ltd specializes in procurement of intellectual property rights, litigation, and consulting services for patents, trademark, copyright, and trade secrets. Our company also provides freedom to operate opinions and due diligence reports for mergers and acquisitions. We represent clients from around the world including Europe, Japan, United States, China, South Korea and other countries and regions, relating to a broad range of industries such as electronics, mechanical and chemical arts, medicine, finance, traffic, sports equipment, transportation and service industries.

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