
shanghai brilliantlaw office

Country: China
City: shanghai
Tel: 021-51878829
Fax: 021-51878827
Email: mail@zhuoranlaw.com
Address: xuhui district of shangai,China
Website: www.zhuoranlaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: patent/trademark/lawsuit
Contact Person: xiebing
Personal Email: 15900962976@163.com
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Korean,French

Firm Profile

Shanghai Zhuoran Law Firm (shanghai Zhuoran intellectual property law firm) is a comprehensive law firm mainly providing intellectual property legal services and foreign-related legal business, and is one of the few law firms which have both patent agent qualification and trademark agent qualification. The firm's partners and their team have been providing nearly ten thousand domestic and foreign enterprises with full intellectual property legal services and comprehensive domestic and foreign legal services of patent, trademark, copyright, integrated circuit layout design, anti-unfair competition and trade secret. The quantities of patent applications, trademark applications and lawsuits are all top rated nationwide. Shanghai Zhuoran Law Firm (shanghai Zhuoran intellectual property law firm) has a group of excellent professionals, who have abundant theoretical and practical experience in all kinds of technical fields and legal fields. We uphold the customer first philosophy, Advocate teamwork spirit, committe to providing solutions practically and effectively. We pursue excellent talent, excellent system and extraordinary legal services. A considerable number of lawyers also have certified public accountants, financial, business management, human resources management, taxation, chemical, biological, mechanical, optical and other professional background. Our outstanding business ability Is not only reflected the depth of field experience in legal services, but also provide a full range of customer support. We are the expert in the field of intellectual property. We provide intellectual property services to the world 500 strong enterprises. Our customers include South Korea LG Corporation, Korean YG entertainment company, Korea Green Cross Group, 777 South Korean Corporation, South Korea basic house Ltd, Cofco Corporation, Changhong group, Midea Group, Hangzhou Zhang Xiaoquan Group Co. Ltd., Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye group, Giant. Shanghai Zhuoran Law firm (shanghai Zhuoran intellectual property law firm) has long term cooperation with well-known law firms and intellectual property agencies in dozens of countries. In addition, the firm can provide high quality legal services for domestic and foreign clients in Chinese, English, Korea, Japanese, German and French. Shanghai Zhuoran Law firm (shanghai Zhuoran intellectual property law firm) is Headquartered in Shanghai, with offices in Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hefei and Wuhu. At the same time, Shanghai Zhuoran Law firm (shanghai Zhuoran intellectual property law firm) have close contact with orther domestic and international law firms, accounting firms, investment and financing institutions to establish long-term stable information exchange channels and business cooperation platform. It will effectively meet the domestic and foreign customers business and legal services.

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