
Carvalho, Fairbairn & Guidi Advogados

Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +552132814258
Fax: +552125240901
Email: law@cfgadvogados.com.br
Address: Rua Araújo Porto Alegre, 70, SL 906-908, Centro
Website: www.cfgadvogados.com.br/cn/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Corporate Law and Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Julio Guidi
Personal Email: guidi@cfgadvogados.com.br
Language: Chinese,English,Portuguese

Firm Profile

The services provided by our Law Firm in this area include registering, protection, license and judicial actions involving Intellectual Property in Brazil and others LATAM - Latin American Countries: Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba, Haiti, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Paraguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico and Uruguay. If any legal action is necessary to defend the intellectual property rights of our clients, we will not spare efforts to take appropriate actions. Our customers can rely on our legal team. In addition, our lawyers have a vast experience in dealing with patents, trademarks, copyright, civil rights of person, industrial design, indications of source, domain names, computer programs, trade secrets, unfair competition, Internet and e-commerce activities, publicity, sports, entertainment, information technology, franchising, royalties` distribution contracts, representation and licensing, biotechnology, technology transference and expertise. 我们律师事务所在这方面所提供的服务包括登记,保护,许可以及在巴西和其他南美国家的涉及知识产权的司法行为。 - 我们提供服务的拉美国家包括:墨西哥,哥伦比亚,阿根廷,秘鲁,委内瑞拉,智利,瓜地马拉,厄瓜多尔,古巴,海地,玻利维亚,多米尼加,洪都拉斯,巴拉圭,尼加拉瓜,萨尔瓦多,哥斯达黎加,巴拿马,波多黎各和乌拉圭。

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