

Country: Vietnam
City: Hochiminh
Tel: 841900599995
Fax: 84839104265
Email: hang.do@phan.vn
Address: Ly Chinh Thang Str., 7 Ward, District 3, Hochiminh city, Vietnam
Website: phan.vn
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Ms. Do Thi Thanh Hang
Personal Email: hang.do@phan.vn
Language: Chinese,English,Vietnamese

Firm Profile

Phan Law Vietnam (PHANs) was established by Mr. Phan Vu Tuan Attorney at law, in compliance with Law on Attorney and issued the Registration Certificate by Ho Chi Minh city Department of Justice. Our practice focuses on Intellectual Property, Marriage and Family, Legal Consultation, Litigation Procedures and Investment. We represent clients in major of business matters regionally, nationally and internationally. PLV has set his goal to provide best legal representation available at fair and reasonable cost to out clients. We are proud of the high legal and ethical standards that have been established by our firm and the tradition of excellence which we work maintain.

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