
Hengam Legal Services

Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Tel: +98 9124219904
Fax: +98 21 89780070
Email: info@hengamlaw.com
Address: Unit 9, No. 4, 42 St. Asad Abadi St. Yousef Abad, Tehran, Iran
Website: hengamlaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: English

Firm Profile

HENGAM is a leading intellectual property and litigation law office in Iran. Our attorneys have experience in a broad range of practice areas in Intellectual Property including trademark, patent, design, and e-commerce law. Our trademark practice includes portfolio management, strategic registrations, domain name management, and litigation including defense of trademark infringement. Our legal team is also experienced in trademark dilution matters. In the area of patents, we provide a full range of service including the analyzing prior art, prepare, file, and prosecute patent designs, and negotiate licensing agreements. HENGAM strives to develop long-term relationships with companies and entrepreneurs with the purpose of Making Legal Issues into Competitive Advantage.

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