
Legelata Law Firm

Country: Armenia
City: Yerevan
Tel: +374 99 99 46 96
Fax: N/A
Email: anzhela.abrahamyan@legelata.am
Address: RA, Yerevan, Arami street 4/3, area 60
Website: www.legelata.am
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Legelata
Contact Person: Anzhela Abrahamyan
Language: English,Armenian,Russian

Firm Profile

Legelata’s lawyers are involved in tremendously complex transactions of intellectual property such as formulation and management of patent pools and standard compliance, registration of trademarks in customs service registry to prevent import of counterfeit goods. Our practice also includes advisory and litigation on intellectual property matters for businesses operating in multiple sectors of economy. Legelata has successfully represented high profile clients  – such as the Financial Times and Burberry, Rigo Trading SA, in intellectual property disputes, like opposition claims and objections to the usage of patented design patterns.

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