

Country: Guatemala
Tel: +(502) 2246 3000
Fax: +(502) 2333 5934
Email: groca@lexincorp.com
Address: 9ª Avenida 14-78 zona 10, Guatemala, Guatemala, Central America
Website: www.lexincorp.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

Lexincorp’s history begins through integrated efforts. Nowadays, we are one single firm with 6 offices throughout 5 countries in Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica) and we count with more than 40 years of experience on an individual basis. Our trajectory has taught us the importance of integrated solutions in legal matters and has practice oriented us towards the development of services that are focused on the different needs of our clients. Thus that is why we built Lexincorp with a strong and unique structure, coordinated by a regional office and creating a standardization of legal services throughout Central America. Our task is to enhance the operations of our clients at all stages, which are necessary for an optimal development. In Lexincorp you can find all the solutions needed for growth.

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