

Country: China
City: Shanghai
Tel: 021-50479129
Fax: 021-50479162
Email: market@ifutureip.com
Address: Room 5-I, Pharmacy Valley Building No. 780 Cailun Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai
Website: www.ifutureip.com
Practice Area: Patent
Key Areas: patent
Contact Person: Rachel Huang
Personal Email: rachelhaung@ifutureip.com
Language: Chinese

Firm Profile

iFuture including iFuture Intellectual Property Consulting (Shanghai) Co., LTD is a sophisticated intellectual property service agency specializing in patent information analysis, intellectual property agency, counseling and operation, etc. We sincerely supply comprehensive and best service about intellectual property management to all of our clients. iFuture has a specialized team mainly consisting of professionals once specializing in intellectual property management, consulting, agency services and R&D in well-known enterprises or intellectual property agencies. iFuture has accumulated rich experiences in intellectual property practices and technological project declaration, can meet various requirements from clients. We have strong ability of resources integration, good relationship in this field, and a series of professional and efficient services for enterprises. Our team has rich experience in multiple areas such as Semiconductor, High-end equipment-manufacturing, Electronics, Network Communications, Integrated Circuit, Software, Bio-medicine, new materials and energy resources.

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