

Country: Belarus
City: Minsk
Tel: +375296844817
Fax: +375172379090
Email: info@e-pag.com
Website: www.e-pag.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Patents, trademarks
Contact Person: Sergey Vinogradov
Personal Email: sergey@e-pag.com
Language: English,Russian

Firm Profile

PAG – Patent Attorneys Group was established in 1993 year immediately after coming into effect of the laws protecting Intellectual Property (IP) in Belarus. Having the largest number of patent attorneys and specialists in the field of IP protection and representing a good number of the most famous IP owners, PAG took the most active part in the making of the IP legislation and IP protection practice in the Eurasian countries. In order to improve services in the CIS countries with transitional economy and unstable situations, we established a branch firm UAB Eurasian Patent Attorneys Group (EPAG Ltd) in the neighboring country Lithuania (now EU country). Now PAG-EPAG employs competent experts in various fields of technique and law, who have good knowledge of foreign languages, and an experienced team of translators. Continuing training of the personnel is our tradition. We carefully raise a young generation of patent attorneys and lawyers. We are experienced in drafting, preparing and filing patent applications in various fields including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medicine, software patents, IT and business methods patents.

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