
Naci Law

Country: Vietnam
City: Hanoi
Tel: +84978938505
Fax: 024 66 86 1846
Email: info@nacilaw.com
Address: 024 66 86 1846
Website: www.nacilaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
Contact Person: Louis Tran
Personal Email: louis.tran@nacilaw.com
Language: Chinese,English,Korean,Vietnamese

Firm Profile

National Citizen Law – NACI LAW, is a pioneering full-service law rm in Vietnam operating as legal counselor for clients in many elds of corporate matters, civil issues and foreign investment. Intellectual property (IP) and laws on IP is more and more popular in the nowaday market economy. NACI LAW is one of the most pioneering IP law rm in Vietnam comprising several IP lawyers, advisors having considerable experiences, strong foreign language ability to work in IP matters. We are always trying to provide the client with the most eective solutions with our legal services in creation of IP rights, enforcement of IP rights and protection of IP rights in Vietnam including the settlement of IP violations. We also oer the free services of check and consultation for the registration of exclusive rights of trade- marks, industrial designs, patents, copy rights and support the client to carry out the procedures at the competence state authorities. Up to date, Naci Law has advised and conducted the registration of more than 1,000 applications in such IP matters for both domestic and international clients. In addi- tion, we also successfully won in many IP litigation cases related to the reclaim for trademarks, patents and protected the clients’ rights and benets in IP violation cases. For international relations, we are now in associate with many foreign law rms and foreign counsel- ors and have successfully registered for many exclusive trademarks, industrial designs and patents in US, Cambodia, China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. Besides, we are also the representative for foreign companies before the national intellectual oce of Vietnam.

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