

Country: Singapore
City: Singapore
Tel: +6586522764
Fax: +6586522764
Email: info@aaaipright.com
Address: 39 Robinson Road, #20 – 03 Robinson Point, Singapore 068911
Website: aaaipright.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name
Key Areas: Trademark
Contact Person: Paul
Personal Email: paul@aaaipright.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

AAA IPRIGHT is a Singapore-based international consulting organization of global trademark registration to specially cover trademark and IP matters in Asian Countries, ASEAN and the others important business countries including US, EU, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. We focus on reducing the trademark registration fee for clients and making the registration easier and convenient. We have offices, branches and associates in 22 countries including 72 trademark attorneys. Our attorneys are experts on trademark matters and can analyze and advise you on all aspects related to trademarks.

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