

Country: Vietnam
Tel: (84) 2437245656
Fax: (84) 2437245885
Email: info@kenfoxlaw.com
Address: Suite 219, 2nd Floor, Five-Floor Building, Lane 109, Truong Chinh, ThanhXuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Website: www.kenfoxlaw.com
Practice Area:
Key Areas: Intellectual property、Investment and Enterprise、Dispute resolutions、Regulatory compliance
Contact Person: Mr. Chu Thanh TU, Partner
Language: English,Vietnamese

Firm Profile

KENFOX provides a full range of IP related services in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and other Asian countries. We are more flexible than traditional big-law firms and meet each client's needs in a productive and cost-effective manner. The core team of KENFOX has accumulated rich experience in providing comprehensive legal services with respect to areas of practices that the firm focuses. The members of the firm have extensive experience in handling various national and international/cross-border legal and commercial transactions. As a law firm operating in various jurisdictions, KENFOX has the expertise, resources and strength in depth to meet the most demanding expectations of clients. A large proportion of matters on which the firm is instructed, whether contentious or non-contentious, are multi-jurisdictional. It is KENFOX’s policy to forge non-exclusive associations with laws firms in other jurisdictions noted for their expertise in particular fields and, in so doing, to ensure that the clients have the best advice and representation available. KENFOX has many years’ experience in planning, coordinating and executing actions to combat IP infringement and piracy. KENFOX has coordinated with Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department (ASID) of General Department of Vietnam Customs, Economic Police, Market Management Agencies in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and other Asian countries to successfully conduct many raids against traders and manufacturers of counterfeits and infringing trademarked goods, seizing thousands of counterfeit and infringing products.

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