
Fortuna & Charis

Country: Nigeria
City: Lagos
Tel: +2347066944732
Fax: /
Email: info@fortunacharis.com
Address: fortunacharis@gmail.com
Website: www.fortunacharis.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Trademark
Contact Person: Kemfon Josephneke
Personal Email: Kemfon@fortunacharis.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

Fortuna & Charis is a intellectual property law firm in Nigeria. The firm offers a wide range of cost-efficient, timely and world-class integrated legal services for local and international clients. It has excellent grip of its practice areas and its robust IP practice area provides a comprehensive service ranging from the trademark and patent advisory, investigation, commercialization and enforcement services.

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