Related departments strengthen combating IP infringing behaviors


It is learnt from the experience exchange conference on IP law enforcement convened by SIPO on August 14 that, since the implementation of national IP strategy, the IP related departments strengthened combating IP infringement behaviors and gained remarkable achievements.

The Ministry of Public Security investigated 5,231 cases concerning the behaviors producing and selling illegal publications, caught 11,000 criminal suspects, and carried out special inspections on printing firms together with State Copyright Office.

In order to strengthen the rectification of cultural market, in the first half of this year, the Ministry of Culture captured 21.77 million pieces of illegal AV products and 5.49 million pieces of illegal books and magazines.

Meanwhile, the State Intellectual Property Office deployed the special campaigns named "Thunderstorm" and "Sky Net" against patent infringements.

The Deputy Director of SIPO Gan Shaoning expressed that, according to the operation of combining IP judicial protection and administrative protection, China's IP protection environment was continuously consummated and the protection work gained remarkable results. 

                                                                                                Source: IPR in China