Special action on protection of Asian Games' symbols to be carried out


On July 5, the second training class on trademark strategy and protection of Asian Games' symbols of national industrial and commercial administrative system  was opened in Guangzhou, and the training class is the important measure of industrial and commercial department for the protection of symbols of Asian Game Guangzhou 2010. Deputy Director of State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) Fu Shuangjian, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province Lin Musheng and Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Cao Jianliao were present at the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.
Fu Shuangjian expressed that, in order to effectively carry out the protection, SAIC released "Measures on Protection of Asian Games' Symbols" on April 2 this year. Up to now, SAIC has approved a total of 2,539 symbols of Asian Games Guangzhou 2010 according to law. At the end of April, SAIC released plan to carry out the special action on the protection Asian Games' symbols from May to December this year to further enhance the society's awareness on the symbols protection and severely combat various infringing behaviors.
                                                                                                 Source:IPR in China