Ford offers electric car patents to competitors


Car maker Ford has revealed it wants to license patents covering electric vehicle technology to its competitors in an attempt to boost the electric car market.

Ford confirmed its intention in a statement on May 28.

The patents, which are all registered in the US, include technology covering battery charging, an energy saving brake system and a machine for monitoring driving behaviour.

In the statement, Ford said sharing its patents “will promote faster development of future inventions as all automakers look toward greater opportunities”.

Parties looking to use the technology can either contact Ford’s licensing office or AutoHarvest, a licensing marketplace that works with Ford.

Kevin Layden, director of Ford’s electrification programmes, said: “The way to provide the best technology is through constant development and progress.

“By sharing our research with other companies, we will accelerate the growth of electrified vehicle technology and deliver even better products to customers.”

(Source: WIPR)