Top-down Strategy Drives China's Innovation, Says WIPO Chief


China has created a first-class intellectual property (IP) system and has been a huge creator of cultural content, which is driven by a carefully-planned strategy from the top to put innovation at the heart of the economy, the chief of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) said.
In 2017, China sustained its progress in the overall ranking by securing the 22nd spot, making it the first ever middle-income country in the top 25 ranking.
Speaking of the latest GII release, Gurry said he has high expectations for innovation in China. He said that behind China's success has been a carefully-planned strategy made by the Chinese leadership to place innovation at the heart of the economy. Gurry believes that such a key ingredient has engaged and rallied the whole country behind this top-down policy, including state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, universities and research institutions.
He also appreciated the outstanding achievements scored by Chinese enterprises as China has become the second largest source of international patent applications, and has been rising in terms of global brands and cultural content. China is a producer of IP, which is a major reason for China to protect IP both home and abroad, he said.

Source: Xinhua