国庆节前捷报频传 “sisley希思黎”首次司法认驰 Unitalen obtains Recognition of Well-known mark for “SISLEY 希思黎” Through Litigation

法国”sisley希思黎”是面部和身体护肤领域享誉全球的殿堂级品牌, 自1976年成立以来始终倡导将科学萃取的天然植物成分(植物精粹和植物精油)运用到美容产品中,深受广大消费者喜爱,sisley希思黎产品在世界各地持续性大获成功,也令品牌在全球市场飞速发展。2010年11月12日,自然人陈某将完全相同的“希思黎Sisley”申请注册在第44类的保健、芳香疗法、疗养院、医院、美容院、按摩、植物养护等服务上。法国C.F.E.B.希思黎有限公司(简称希思黎公司)引证其在第3类化妆品、香水、香精油等商品上在先注册的“希思黎sisley”、“希思黎”、“sisley及图”商标提出异议。商标局裁定被异议商标不予核准注册。陈某不服,向商评委提出异议复审申请,商评委认为第44类服务与引证商标第3类核定商品区别较大为非类似商品,不易造成混淆误认;虽然引证商标在化妆品等商品上具有较高知名度,但以现有证据不足以认定为引证商标已驰名,裁定被异议商标准予注册。北京市第一中级人民法院亦支持商评委裁定。




"Sisley 希思黎", established in 1976, is a world-renowned French brand for facial and body skin care products. On November 12, 2010, a natural person Linren Chen (hereinafter referred to as “Chen”) applied for registration of trademark "Sisley希思黎" in Class 44 for beauty salon services, etc.. C.F.E.B. Sisley Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sisley”) filed opposition to Chen’s application based on its prior registered marks “希思黎Sisley”, “希思黎”, Sisley & designin Class 3, and Trademark Office decided Chen’s trademark shall not be approved for registration. Chen applied for review with Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB), who ruled to approve the registration of Chen’s mark, holding that Class 44 services and Class 3 goods shall be considered dissimilar, which is not likely to cause confusion and misidentification; the cited marks, although enjoying considerable reputation, shall not be recognized as well-known marks due to insufficient evidence. The TRAB decision was further affirmed by Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court.


In representation of Sisley’s appeal to Beijing Higher People’s Court, Unitalen Attorneys at Law helped strengthen evidences of promotion and sales of“希思黎Sisleyproducts in China and, at the same time, evidences showing Chen’s squatting and storing numbers of other parties’ well-known trademarks. Beijing Higher People’s Court finally decided that Sisley’s marks shall be considered as well-known in respect of cosmetics in Class 3, and that Chen’s application for “希思黎Sisley” on Class 44 services aims at taking advantage of Sisley’s reputation and misleading the publics. The appeal judgement revoked the TRAB decision and the first instance judgement. This, as known, is the very first judicial case in which “Sisley 希思黎” is recognized as a well-known mark.


This judgement of Beijing Higher People’s Court shows lowered requirements for recognition of well-known mark after implementation of the new Trademark Law. When there is necessity of protection, less rigid standards of evidences are adopted in evaluating the degree of reputation. In addition, where the trademark owner is able to prove the obvious intention of bad-faith squatting of the other party, the requirement for evidence of reputation will be loosened to strengthen curbing of bad-faith registration.

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