
Amir Karbasi Milani & Associates

Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Tel: +98-21-88954849
Fax: +98-21-88957277
Email: info@milanilawfirm.com
Address: Unit 38, 1st floor, No. 1 building, vali-asr ave., intersection of Dr.fatemi ave.
Website: www.milanilawfirm.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Trademark & Patent
Contact Person: Amir Karbasi Milani
Personal Email: milani@milanilawfirm.com
Language: English,Turkish,Azerbaijani Turkic

Firm Profile

The legal team at the Milani law firm is a full-service legal group dedicated to providing each and every client with the best possible representation no matter what their legal matter entails. The Milani law firm has many attorneys who focus specifically in certain areas of law, such as civil law, commercial law, criminal law, arbitration, intellectual property and family law. When you come to the Milani law firm, you will be able to speak with a very experienced attorney who is very familiar with your type of case - no matter what combination of legal issues you may be involved with. We pride ourselves on providing personalized and dedicated services to each and every individual who walks through our doors. You will always be able to meet directly with the attorney who will be handling your case.

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