
Kim & Chang

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul
Tel: 82-2-2122-3900
Fax: /
Email: ip-group@kimchang.com
Address: lawkim@kimchang.com
Website: www.kimchang.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: Chinese,English,Japanese,Korean,German

Firm Profile

Kim & Chang's Intellectual Property (IP) Practice is uniquely positioned as the top-rated IP-specialized practice in Korea with the resources of Korea's leading general practice law firm. Our IP Practice is the foremost IP practice in Korea in terms of scope, personnel and capabilities. When combined with the resources of the largest and most sophisticated firm in Korea, the result is a comprehensive IP practice that can handle not only the full spectrum of traditional IP issues but all legal matters that include any IP component. Our IP Practice comprises more than 300 professionals, including IP litigators, patent attorneys, and foreign IP attorneys. We also have over 550 patent engineers, trademark paralegals, and support staff. Our IP Practice covers the full scope of IP rights, including patents, utility models, trademarks, designs, trade secrets, unfair competition, domain names, and copyrights. Further, our patent professionals have numerous specialized technical backgrounds in fields such as biotech, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer software. Many of our professionals also have extensive experience as judges, prosecutors and Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) examiners, enabling clients to benefit from their experience and know-how. Our IP Practice also benefits from a close working relationship with other practices within the firm, including general corporate, mergers & acquisitions, banking and finance, and labor, enabling us to handle all legal issues having any IP-related component that our clients may encounter in Korea.

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