
CERMAK a spol.

Country: Czech Republic
City: Praha
Tel: (+420) 296 167 111
Fax: (+420) 224 946 724
Email: info@apk.cz
Address: Elisky Peskove 15, 150 00 Praha 5, Czech republic
Website: cermakaspol.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property Law, Industrial Property Rights, Inventions, Brand Protection/Trade Marks etc.
Language: English,Slovak,German

Firm Profile

CERMAK a spol. is a law and patent office specialising in Intellectual Property Law. The firm's services are highly sought after particularly in this area, especially when industrial property law matters, such as Trade Marks and Patents. They also provide advice and representation in general Commercial Law and Civil Law matters.

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