
Sjiem Fat & Mahabir

Country: Suriname
Tel: +597 438 902
Fax: +597 498 640
Email: info@sfmip.com
Address: Moengolaan 4 Paramaribo Suriname
Website: www.sfmip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Language: English

Firm Profile

Sjiem Fat & Mahabir is a full-service intellectual property firm and business consultancy which advises and represents businesses and individual clients in all aspects of intellectual property and protection, and in how to best register and enforce valuable intellectual property rights.

Sjiem Fat & Mahabir is a highly respected firm with a vast network of clients and associates around the world. Apart from this, we also have smaller companies and individuals in our portfolio.

The members of Sjiem Fat & Mahabir are well equipped and qualified to handle all matters in the field of intellectual property rights. The firm can rely on several years of experience and a team of experienced attorneys in case of infringement of intellectual property rights. We work closely with our counsels on litigation and represent our clients in legal proceedings.

Sjiem Fat & Mahabir is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) and the Intellectual Property Caribbean Association (IPCA).

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