
HGF Limited

Country: United Kingdom
City: Manchester
Tel: 0161 247 4900
Fax: 0161 247 4901
Email: lcurtis@hgf.com
Address: 6th Floor, 4 Hardman Street, Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3HF
Website: www.hgf.com
Practice Area: Trademark,Design,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Trademark, Patents, Designs
Contact Person: Lee Curtis
Personal Email: Lcurtis@hgf.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

HGF Manchester is a full service IP practice based in the heart of Spinningfields, Manchester’s premier business district. It is one of the largest IP law practices in Manchester servicing clients across the UK and internationally. HGF Manchester provides a full range of IP services, with a fully integrated team of patent and trade mark attorneys and contentious and non-contentious solicitors. HGF Manchester has a large and broad range of clients managing the trade mark, design and patent portfolios of some of the UK’s and world’s leading companies.

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