
Zehra Yildirim

Country: Turkey
Tel: +905398884400
Fax: +903124688604
Email: mail@azepatent.com
Address: zehra@azepatent.com
Website: www.azepatent.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition
Language: English,Turkish,German

Firm Profile

Our professionals specialize in complete range of IP matters including Patent, Trademark, Utility Model and Industrial Design in Turkey, Germany as well as in USA ensuring the highest level of quality. We have memberships of international associations such as INTA, AIPPI, EPI and LES. We prosecute European Patent Applications before the European Patent Office, trademark and design applications before OHIM and validations of European Patents in European Patent Convention contracting states; see our online service EPeasy for validation of European Patents. We handle PCT applications before WIPO and PCT National Phase entries before Regional and National Offices; see our online service PCTeasy concerning PCT National Phase entries. Our office specializes in handling Patent Renewal Fees all over the world; see our online service EPeasy in this regard. We are committed to provide high quality services tailored to the specific needs of the client and the characteristics of the case at reasonable fees.

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