

Country: Russia
Tel: +7 812 600 2427/28;+7 812 595 4051;+7 812 314 5347
Fax: +7 812 314 45 69
Email: info@patentica.com
Address: Office 5 15 Malaya Morskaya St.Saint Petersburg Russia 190000
Website: www.patentica.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition,Others
Key Areas: Patent and Trademark
Contact Person: Victoria Tskhay
Personal Email: victoria.tskhay@patentica.com
Language: English,Japanese,Russian,German

Firm Profile

PATENTICA LLP is a young and dynamic firm specializing in IP related matters in Russia, Eurasia and CIS countries and providing its clients with a broad spectrum of services ranging from advice on strategic patent issues, searching and watching, opinions on patentability of inventions, validity and infringement of patents, drafting and prosecution of patent, trademark and design applications, as well as patent and legal translations, invalidation proceedings, preparation and registration of licenses, representing clients in border protection before Customs and litigation. PATENTICA’s attorneys and agents have backgrounds in electrical engineering, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, microbiology, genetic engineering and other fields, and work closely with the firm's clients to ensure that they obtain maximum possible protection. The firm is experienced in litigation and defending patent infringement claims, as well as patent maintenance including annuity reminding services and advice on other patent related legal matters. Mailing address: BOX 1125 Saint Petersburg Russia 190000

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