
Evangelia Papa

Country: Greece
City: Athens
Tel: +302103808338
Fax: +302103808167
Email: patents@evapapa.com
Address: 64 Panepistimiou str., 10677 Athens, Greece
Website: www.evapapa.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: pharmaceuticals
Personal Email: evapapa@ath.forthnet.gr
Language: English,French

Firm Profile

The extensive experience of our Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, as well as the technical background of our professional team guarantee the competent handling of our clients' portfolios in almost every area of know-how (i.e. chemical sciences, bio-sciences, engineering, electronics, ...). Our dedication to our clients' interests and the professional quality of our services have earned us the respect and confidence of our global clientele, ranging from individuals to companies, research institutes and multinational corporations.

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