
Abdullah A. Al Fallaj Law Firm

Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: + 966 1 4004404
Fax: +966 400 5505
Email: info@alfallaj.com
Address: Al Muthenab Street, P.O. Box 16929
Website: www.alfallaj.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Abdullah Al Fallaj
Personal Email: abdullahalfallaj@gmail.com
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

Abdullah A. Al Fallaj Law Firm, is an elite group of highly trained and carefully selected Attorneys, Legal Adviser and Admitted Arbitrators, offering a full range of services in the field of Intellectual Property services, Sharia and Law, Labor cases, Contracts and Agreements, Reconciliation, Commercial Arbitration and Litigation before all courts in Saudi Arabia

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