
TF IP Consultancy & Services

Country: Syria
City: Damascus
Tel: +963 11 223 7194 or +953 94 190 8558
Fax: +963 11 225 8435
Email: ip@tfipcs.com
Address: Ramy Street, Marjeh, Al-Qadery Building 4th Floor, P.O. Box 12685, Damascus, Syria
Website: www.tfipcs.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property
Contact Person: Mr. Tamim Fares
Personal Email: tamim.fares@tfipcs.com
Language: English,Arabic

Firm Profile

TF IP Consultancy & Services is a full services IP office based in Syria that is committed to bringing the best IP experience to clients and associates around the world through its valuable knowledge, professional quality services and best legal consultancy in the field of IP (Intellectual Property). TF IP Consultancy & Services provides worldwide Trademark, Industrial Design, Patent, Copyright & Domain Names registration and prosecution services. It is founded and built with all the eagerness and passion to assist and help its clients in Syria to secure protection for their intellectual property rights in The Middle-East and worldwide. It also assist overseas clients and associates including foreign law firms, to secure protection for them or their clients’ intellectual property rights in Syria and other Middle-East jurisdictions.

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