

Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-9171 2716
Fax: +603-9172 3007
Email: info@teeip.com
Address: teelinyik@gmail.com
Website: www.teeip.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Patent & Trade Mark
Contact Person: Mr. Tee Lin Yik
Personal Email: april.teeip@gmail.com
Language: Chinese,English,Bahasa Malaysia

Firm Profile

We are an international specialist intellectual property firm. Our qualified Registered Patent Agent, Registered Trade Mark Agent and Registered Industrial Design Agent can assist you to make the right decisions about your intellectual property assets. We work to help clients in securing and protecting their intellectual property assets in Malaysia and over 160 countries. We are the preferred panel patent agent for numerous Malaysian Research status Universities and Research & Development Institutions. Our Patent team has drafted more than 200 patents to be filed in Malaysia and other jurisdictions including United States of America, Europe, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea as well as other part of ASIAN countries. TEE Intellectual Property is also a member of Malaysia Intellectual Property Association (MIPA) and Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA). Our professionals come from a diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines including Law, Science and Engineering. We are advantageously located in Kuala Lumpur, not far from Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).

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