

Country: Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Tel: +972544234684
Email: info@rutmanip.com
Address: POB 350 7 Mikveh Israel Tel Aviv, Israel 6100202
Website: www.rutmanip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Design,Domain name
Key Areas: Patent, trademark, copyright, design.
Contact Person: Jeremy Rutman
Personal Email: jeremy.rutman@rutmanip.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

At Rutman IP we foster innovation by providing the highest quality patent development process for companies and individuals with brilliant ideas.   We provide full protection of the technical aspects of your innovation with our patent applications, patentability analyses, and freedom to operate assessments. We will further create a unique patent strategy that will give your company a competitive edge.  We provide a range of intellectual property solutions in Israel, the USA and around the world, including trademark registration, design protection, and strategic advice to help companies achieve a competitive advantage with intellectual property.

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