
Chinable Intellectual Property

Country: China
City: Beijing
Tel: +8610 84195899-8888
Fax: +86-10-64097759
Email: chisong@chinableip.com
Address: 620 Room, Anhua Developing Plaza, No. 35 Anding Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Website: www.chinableip.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Anti-Unfair Competition,Antitrust
Contact Person: Song Chi
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

Chinable Intellectual Property devotes itself to the protection of intellectual property right, and makes its contribution to the healthy development of IP rights. It serves as an agent for both domestic and foreign clients, and does its most to provide services in various IP related business, including patent, trademark and copyright etc. All our founding partners are well experienced in Chinese intellectual property laws, as well as intellectual property laws in major foreign countries. They are leading practitioners of patent system in China with many years' experience of huge volume of patent persecution and infringement litigation cases covering almost all technical fields, including mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, medicine, computer science, telecommunications, semi-conductor, electrics & electronics, physics, etc. Our partners and associates are in good command of English, Japanese, Korean and German among their major working languages.

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