
AL-Khurram Trademark & Patent Services

Country: Pakistan
City: Lahore
Tel: +92-42-37106419
Fax: +92-42-36861916
Email: info@alkhurram-ip.com
Address: alkhurramtrademark@gmail.com
Website: www.alkhurram-ip.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property Strategy
Contact Person: Khurram Shahzad
Personal Email: alkhurramtrademark@gmail.com
Language: English

Firm Profile

AL-KHURRAM TRADEMARK & PATENT SERVICES is one of the most experienced IP Law firm in the region providing Full time IP services on very competitive costs in Pakistan and in many other jurisdictions. We always mean services to our clients above our professional charges, which has actually drawn us closer to our clients of abroad; an unwavering commitment to intellectual honesty, professional excellence and imaginative, personal service to our clients have marked the successful history of our law firm, choosing an IP Law Firm may be a critical business decision and our clients are encouraged to consider our firm's performance before entrusting us with their valuable Intellectual Property rights, We assure you the best service in the lowest price as we are the first IP Law firm in Pakistan

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